Brain is a physical place that are part of visible, tangible and world of the body. But, memory we cannot see and touch. The function of memory is to allow us to remember facts and experiences. The memory consists encoding, storing and retrieval.
- Analogy: brain and memory are like a computer
- Encoding/input: keyboard and camera in computer are same with human's 5 senses which is hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell.
- Storage: hard disc, thumb drive are same with human 3 types of memory which is sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory.
First, as we know human are not perfect so everything that we remember might be lost from our mind. But, still have the reason why we always forget some of the things. The first reason is did not pay attention and understand the information. When we not pay attention, we just know the point but we do not know how to explain the point. That's why, we really need to focus in every learning so that we will not forget what we had learn. Second is cramming. Most of the student love to study at eleventh hour when they have an exam. In their exam, they will forget everything because they did not really understand and focus on their study when they study last minute.
Third, did not have good strategies. Sometimes, the student know how to study efficiently but they have no strategies. For example, if he want to study, he study. But when he is so lazy, he never study. The best strategies is you need to study 45 minutes and rest 15 minutes. After that you continue about 2 set more. Maybe it work! Last but not least, the reason why of forgetting is interference which mean confuse with two subject that are closely related. For example, the formula of math and addmath are related, so this formula might confuse the student.
- Refer to any of a broad set of techniques that are designed to help one member.
- Such strategies range from everyday, external aids (using planner) to material memories strategies that facilitate storage and retrieval from long term memory.
- Help student encoding, storing and retrieval.
- Rehearsal
- Organizational strategies
- Elaboration strategies
- Concentration is focusing your attention on what you are doing.
- Causes of pour concentration:
- Lack of attention
- Lack of interest
- Lack of motivation
- Distraction from others
- Uncomfortable environment
- Physiological matters
SQ3R is reading technique that can be use to all people. First step is S for Survey, when you want to read the book you need to survey or look everything in the chapter that you want to understand. You also need to read the main idea of the paragraph and try to see the picture and the caption. You does not need to understand it first because you just started so you need to start slowly. Second step is Q for question, when you already survey the chapter, you must have a lot of questions to ask. So, write down all of the questions that came through your mind. It might help you for the next step. Third step is 3R which is Read, Recite and Review. After write down the questions, we need to read the chapter that you want to read. From that, you will understand the whole chapter. So, you going to answer your questions by highlight the answer in the book. After reading section, you need to recite your questions aloud and try to answer using your own words and make sure you understand it. At last, you need to review by reread your questions and again answering with your own word but refer to your highlighted sections if stuck.
- Use motivational and organizational strategies :
- Create interest in the work
- Develop a positive attitude toward your work
- Use goal setting strategies
- Use time management strategies
- Create a positive learning environment:
- Find a better location
- Reduce multitasking
- Deal with internal distraction:
- Deal with personal problems
- Deal with competing activities
- Use active learning strategies
- Match your learning style to the task
- Monitor your concentration
This module was handled by Miss Shamsinar binti Rahman
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